New York
Farhad Gremipor
A few months ago, I was online looking at real estate sites and I found a really great piece of property for very cheap. It a was a very good deal — maybe too good for Yonkers. It was $19,000. It should be $200,000! I thought I'd found a deal like no one else has found. I went there to see and I found out there is this huge rock in the middle of the land. I mean, this thing is huge. It's like 8 feet high and maybe 50 to 60 or 70 feet long. The rock takes up maybe 30 percent of all the land. Let me check my papers. Yes, the rock is exactly 7,535 square feet. In Iran, we lived in the country, on a big farm filled with apples, grapes, almonds, and pistachios. Farmers brought cows and sheep and goats to my ranch and I'd auction them in the early morning at the bazaar. I still have my ranch there because one day I wish to go back. I dream of returning to Iran. I never wanted to live in the United States, but my wife and I left Iran in 2016 because my kids were coming to America for college. We thought they were too young to be here on their own. So we moved to Yonkers.
But now I must build a house. Now, my wife and I live in an apartment, but in our culture, back home in Iran, having a house is very important — there we live together most of the time. My kids will go to school nearby. It's different in America. This is why I need to have a house for my family. My parking lot business is in Yonkers and so I'm really just looking for land in Yonkers. I'm not the kind of guy who wants to drive two, three hours during rush hour. In Iran, you want to know the distance from my business to my house in Iran? A five-minute walk.
So okay, I say, no problem. It's a rock. I will destroy the rock. I figure, why just not hire someone to remove the rock? I do some research on companies that have the equipment and skill to move such a giant rock. I found a few and asked for price estimates. How much to remove this rock? They all guessed around $80,000 or $120,000. That was too much. So I went back to one of the companies and I used my skills as a businessman from working at the bazaars in Iran to negotiate. I'm not in a hurry, I said, I'm going to pay you guys in cash to remove the rock. Anytime your employees have nothing to do, come over to this land to start chipping away at the rock. They gave me a good number for that deal.
First we have to chip the rock and make room for the driveway and the two-car garage. It's going to be a four-bedroom house with a two-car garage and a very big kitchen for my wife. She wants the very big bedroom and very big kitchen. Then we just have to nail the house to the rock. So the house will be on the rock. Actually, it's a nice foundation. We won't see the rock out the window at all. We will see a view of a beautiful green valley.
There will be some problems to start. The rock makes problems. Sewage and digging, for one thing. But I think I can handle it. You have to have perspective. You know, this is why I fly, this is why I paraglide. I have a paragliding site in my backyard in Iran. Paragliding is my habit. I can't stop. I started six years ago. I was driving to my ranch when I saw a man flying through the sky, and I stopped and asked a man on the ground, "What is this?" The man said, "It's not for you, it's for the young guys, and it's not good for your heart." I said, "I'm not that old!" He said, "Well, if you want to try flying, try it tandem with me." I said, "I want to try it right now." And so I flew. I did. And I loved it. It is my dream. I have to do it every weekend.
When I'm flying up there, everything looks very small. Every person, every city. The problems you have down below become very small. Difficult problems suddenly become easy. Down here, you think This is going to take a lot of thinking and doing, but up high, it's nothing. It's a pack of cigarettes. A big rock becomes nothing. So if you can get up there, then you can live better down here.
We sometimes fly as high as 11,000 or 12,000 feet. Do you know how high that is?
Did I tell you? Next month I will fly 65 miles from Mont Blanc to Switzerland. And soon I will fly in Rio de Janeiro, and I will fly over the Jesus. This is my dream. I'm going to do it with my wife next year. One day I might buy another property in America on top of a huge hill and maybe I can fly from there. For now, every day I see the giant rock. I drive by it every day. It's right next to my apartment. In fact, I can see it through my window right now.